By An Award Winning Product Manager 

Grab the first version system I used to build online business for myself & clients 




You struggle to identify a

specific target audience or

area of expertise

You struggle to differentiate

yourself in the


You can’t reach your

ideal client


You can’t convert leads into

paying client

You struggle to make all your technology work together 

You meet crickets each time

you launch to the market  

Our Approach

  • Gain Clarity on your vision 

  • Nail your niche & ideal client avatar

  • Identify your unique value proposition 

  • Know your business strategy

  • Build your productBuild your marketing system

  • DriveTargeted trafficBuild a simple sales machine

What You Will Get Inside The


Get Clarity On Your Vision 

The more focus you are on what you are building, the easier it is to achieve succes. In this course let me show you how to be crystal clear on your business.

Know Your Ideal Client Avater

If you want to build a successful business, you need to identify just one person that will say yes to youDiscover steps you can use to identify your numer 1.

Identify Your Unique Value Proposition

You won’t be the first person solving the same problem. You just need to know why your ideal client will prefer your solution to the others int he marketThat is your power. Seize it inside this course.

Build your productized Offer 

Instead of just winging it , learn how to package your offer , sell and operationalize to sell valuable problems .So you can offer more values and earn higher rates in less time

Build Your Marketing System

In order to succeed in the online business world, you need a comprehensive marketing system.In this course, you'll learn how to build a system that consistently attracts and engages your ideal customers.

Know Your Business Strategy

Blue Ocean Vs Red Ocean ? In this section of the course,you'll be able to create a strategic roadmap that guides your business towards sustainable growth and profitability.

Drive Targeted Traffic

By focusing on quality over quantity, you'll be able to attract highly qualified leads. I will show you that you don’t need everyone , You only need the people that will open their wallet for you.

Build a Simple Sales Machine

Converting leads into sales is the lifeblood of any online business. Let me  show you how to set up a sales machine that consistently generates revenue for your business. 

The last Build Your Online Course You Will Ever Need

I’ve made it my life mission to help many entrepreneurs build great products.What you have is all the tools you need to start your online BuinessYou’ll have access to the step by step guilde on how i build products for myself and clients


Why the hell should I listen to you?

I'm Rafiat Babayode.  Like you I struggled to build my online business for 8 years. But now, When companies like Google, Twitter & Facebook want to launch any idea , I get called. I have also been able to launch my own consulting and coaching business and for some of my other clients .Now is your turn. Are you  serious about launching your business 

Why is it free?

The vast majority of my sales come from consulting and coaching clients. This course is part of my mission to help other professionals  achieve the same success - and unlock a new lifestyle.

How long do I keep the course?

I'm licensing it to you for the next three month. 

Who Is This For?

Mom coaches, consultants, speakers and other service providers who struggle to build their online business and sell to those they they are mean’t to serve